Capricorn Season

Capricorn season is here, where both light and darkness collide. For those based in the Northern Hemisphere, the longest night of the year opens the gates for the light to come through, slowly getting stronger every new day that has to come. For those based in the Southern Hemisphere, the longest day of the year peaks to then begin its descent to the darkness.


For the past couple of years, Capricorn season has become one of the most eventful seasons astrologically speaking. With the end of the Saturn in Capricorn cycle and the nodal activations (aka eclipses) in the Cancer - Capricorn axis in 2019, to the ingress of both Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius in December of 2020, to this year where we are experiencing the Venus retrograde in Capricorn and its connection to Pluto in Capricorn, the ingress of Jupiter in Pisces and the nodal change from Gemini - Sagittarius to Taurus - Scorpio on December 29th this year in 2021. 


Whew! And that is not all. The last full moon of the year happened just a few days ago, marking the end of a 18 months cycle and reminding us that endings can be the catalysts for great beginnings. 


What a year 2021 has been. If anything, I like to think this year has taught us to believe in ourselves and to have hope for better times to come. Both Jupiter and Saturn have been activating the sign of Aquarius this year, which is directly linked to The Star in Tarot, a symbol of hope, creativity, and in a way, healing.

This last Full Moon in Gemini was not an eclipse, though it was the last nodal activation we will experience in the Gemini - Sagittarius axis for a while. Over the past year and a half we have been pushed out of our comfort zone, so we can explore new realms within our own consciousness. The nodal activation in the Gemini and Sagittarius axis has reinforced the need to rely on our inner curiosity to guide us during uncertain times, removing the fear and anxiety of not knowing exactly where we are heading towards, which is driven by our need for control. 


Shortly after, Venus started its retrograde cycle. Unlike the rest of the planets, both Venus and Mars have unique retrograde cycles that happen every year to year and a half as opposed to every year like Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The last time Venus retrograded was in 2020 in the sign of Gemini. When Venus retrogrades, it creates the shape of a star, also referred as the Venus star point, starting in Gemini (point 1) followed by Capricorn (point 2), Leo (point 3) Aries (point 4) and lastly Aries (point 5). 


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The Venus star point is also known to be as the rebirth of Venus. That is why Venus retrograde is so incredibly significant, especially considering Venus (along with Mars) is one of the Personal planets in Astrology, meaning the manifestations and events that follow it will have greater impact in our lives individually, and that will be determined by your natal chart. Those with strong placements in cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn), as well as Capricorn rising and Moon, since the nature of Venus is nocturnal.


When we analyse the earth sign of Capricorn as a whole, one of the main things to consider is Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, yet it is still a feminine sign, showing the polarity between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. Depicted and referred to as the sea-goat, Capricorns are incredibly protective, which is something that comes from the Divine Feminine archetype. Yet they are also the most diligent and hardworking of all signs, a quality we see reflected in the Divine Masculine archetype. As a Saturn ruled sign, planning and strategy is another main quality we find in those born under this sign. Saturn does not like shortcuts, neither do Capricorn people. True fulfilment comes from the realisation our goals do not define our success, but rather the lessons we learnt while we were in the process of attaining them.


Here we see how both time and knowledge are qualities related to the Saturn archetype, and therefore incredibly significant while understanding Capricorn season. As Venus retrogrades in this sign, we are being asked to reassess our priorities. What are your goals (as of now)? Is your current routine offering you support while you work on yourself or your dreams? What offers you grounding? How can you come with a better strategy to cut down on the things that are distracting you from living to your maximum potential?


But this is not all… On December 29th both Jupiter and the nodes will be changing signs. Jupiter will enter its traditional domicile sign of Pisces, a very auspicious transit we will be experiencing during 2022. I will be covering this topic on another blogpost where I can explain in depth the Jupiter transit in Pisces - Aries and its connection to Chiron happening mid way through the year in 2022. On the same day Jupiter enters Pisces, the nodes of the Moon will change to Taurus (North Node) - Scorpio (South Node) where as a collective, we will be exploring the themes of comfort, security, reliability, sharing resources and intimacy. 


I hope you now have a better understanding of the current astrological weather that we have left to experience before the year ends. I will, as always, continue to offer you informational and more in depth publications about each transit individually and how to better work with them.

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